A Greenhouse in Montana
Growing conditions in Montana are unique. My neighbor 5 miles down the road has different frost dates! Even for greenhouse owners, those who garden in Montana have to learn what works in their specific neighborhood, and sometimes that's very different from what works a few miles down the road. Read about my greenhouse here.
We've put together a few helpful links for those who maintain greenhouses in Montana and would love to hear from you. Submit your Tip and help us build a great resource for Montana greenhouse owners and Montana gardeners.
Download free local MontGuides for growing a variety of things: rhubarb, strawberries, tomatoes, raspberries... There are also free resources for composting, maintaining your lawn, growing fruit trees,and identifying tree problems. Most states have a site like this, so if you live somewhere other than Montana, look up your state's extension office or university for gardening and growing information.
Montana Extension offices by countyJoin a Montana Master Gardner Program to learn about gardening in Montana. This is designed for all levels, so whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener, you will benefit from this program. Our town is pretty small and the classes here have been discontinued, but many towns offer similar programs. This class is where I met the people who started our local community garden. If you find a local gardening group, you will certainly pick up a few tips --for growing vegetables outside OR in your greenhouse.
Thinking about Frost Dates? Plantmaps.com has a map
. You can view past statistical information and monthly temperature ranges from Montana weather stations at NOAA.Some well-known local Montana Gardeners have recently written a new book, Guide to Rocky Mountain Vegetable Gardening. Read more about this book on the MSU extension site: News Article: New Book
Greenhouse Resources
Greenhouse And
Gardening Supplies
Growing Mediums